UK HealthCare Advanced Clinical Skills Training Academy

Multi-Course Activities

ACLS Recertification
UK HealthCare requires ACLS training and certification for medical and nursing staff and designated first responders so they can provide appropriate rescuer action as part of their job or in the event of a workplace emergency. Physician team leaders in an adult cardiac arrest must be knowledgeable regarding the best evidence practice of running a code according to the guidelines set by the American Heart Association. Participants will complete pre-requisite online training including video scenarios incorporating all of the AHA algorithms and complete pre- and post-tests.

A email address is required when registering for a pre-requisite or live simulation training.

PALS Recertification

Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) is a protocol for handling patients who are experiencing serious medical emergencies such as cardiac arrest. PALS also refers to the skills and training necessary to use the protocol safely and properly. Because PALS involves advanced medical skills, certification and training, it is offered to medical professionals such as doctors and nurses. The principles of PALS are an expansion on Basic Life Support (BLS), which includes Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and other simple measures to stabilize a patient until he or she can receive more experienced medical care. Much like CPR, PALS relies on the ABC's of first aid, in which the airway of the patient is secured, Breathing is assessed and stabilized and circulation is closely monitored. Unlike more basic care providers, people who are certified in PALS can provide many more advanced interventions.

UK HealthCare requires PALS and certification for medical and nursing staff and designed first responders so they can provide appropriate rescuer action as part of their job or in the event of a workplace emergency.

In order to standardize the current level and identify ways of improving the skills of the health care providers at UK HealthCare, this activity is required on a periodic basis of all medical and nursing staff providing care to pediatric patients. It consists of online modules, created by the teaching faculty, as well as a simulation exercise. The former is prerequisite to the latter.

A email address is required when registering for a pre-requisite or live simulation training.
