Sponsors/Exhibitors Information

Exhibitors must complete, sign, and return an Exhbitor Agreement BEFORE registering and paying. Registrations received without a signed Agreement will not be honored and fee will be refunded. 

UK agrees to:

  1. provide exhibit space outside the room in which the educational activity will be conducted;
  2. provide a skirted 6-ft. table and 2 chairs;
  3. provide internet connection
  4. provide electricity if exhibitor brings own extension cord 

Exhibitor agrees to:

  1. remit an exhibitor’s fee in the amount indicated below; 

Platinum (Three days) - $5000  

Gold (1Day)  - $2500  

  1. comply with terms of exhibiting by setting up by 7:00 AM and removing by 4:30 PM daily;
  2. comply with the attached Accreditation Standards for Commercial Support.
  3. comply with the attached UK HealthCare Policy A01-015 Code of Conduct Addendum - Gifts and Benefits. Vendors cannot provide gifts or benefits to activity faculty and participants including gifts of nominal value such as pens, notepads, or similar promotional or advertising items with or without company logo.