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Times, topics and speakers subject to change.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Time Topic Faculty
7:30 AM - 8:45 AM Registration
8:45 AM - 9:00 AM Welcome and Opening Remarks
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Review of Kentucky's Maternal Morbidity and Mortality Data James Cousett
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Maternal Health Equity Edward Miller
11:00 AM - 11:15 AM Break
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM Award Ceremony for First Initiatives Pilot Hospitals Monica Clouse
12:00 PM - 12:50 PM Collaborative Working Lunch + Opportunity to Visit Exhibitors:
12:50 PM - 1:50 PM Gun Violence and Maternal Mortality Coy Flowers
1:50 PM - 2:50 PM Health Access Nurturing Development Services (HANDS) Program
2:50 PM - 3:05 PM Break
3:05 PM - 3:35 PM Outcomes from Postpartum Mental Health and SUD Screening Initiatives and Daviess County Maternal Health Council Allison Webb
3:35 PM - 4:35 PM Findings from the REFOCUS Study
4:35 PM - 4:45 PM Adjournment and Next Steps Connie White

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Time Topic Faculty
8:00 AM - 8:10 AM Welcome & Review of the Day/ Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
8:10 AM - 8:30 AM Introduction of KyMMM Task Force/Debrief from Day Before
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Physiological needs: Food, Shelter
9:30 AM - 10:20 AM Safety Needs: IPV/Safety Ann Coker
10:20 AM - 10:30 AM Break
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM Love and belonging: Mental health, family resiliency, community support groups
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM Lunch
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM Esteem: Programs that increase personal care, strength, resiliency - Outcomes form Postpartum Mental Health and SUD Screening Initiatives Rita Crum
2:00 PM - 2:15 PM Break
2:15 PM - 3:30 PM Self-Actualization: Panel of Persons with Lived Experience Bethany Wilson
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM Conclusion