Course Description

The diagnosis and treatment of dementia is an emerging healthcare imperative with more than 5 million persons living with Alzheimer’s dementia. Specialized knowledge in diagnosis and treatment of dementing conditions is relegated to a small handful of specialty-trained behavioral neurologists and geriatric psychiatrists, supported by an equally small population of medical support staff including nurses, social workers, CNAs, and PT/OT staff. This is clearly inadequate to meet the burgeoning demand.
Educational Activities
Live Activity | Online Activity |
End Stage Dementia and End-of-Life Care | View Online |
Safety Precautions in Older Patients: Medications, Driving Risks, and Home Environment | View Online |
Recognizing Medical Disorders that Mimic Dementia | View Online |
Confidentiality and Privacy of Health Information | View Online |
Each online presentation will require approximately 1.5 hours to complete. This includes time for evaluation and testing. You are encouraged to watch the material and complete the test/evaluation in one sitting, however, this is not a requirement. For example, you may choose to watch the video in one sitting, then return later to complete the test/evaluation. Once the evaluation is complete, a certificate of continuing education credit based on the type of credit you requested will display. You can print it or it will be saved in your transcript for future reference.
Alzheimer's Association Resources
Alzheimer's Association TrialMatch™
This is a first-of-its-kind, free, confidential interactive tool that provides comprehensive clinical trial information and an individualized trial matching service for people with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias. Learn More
Physician Resources
This one-stop resource for healthcare professionals includes information about Medicare annual wellness visit guidelines for detection of cognitive impairment, diagnostic criteria, cognitive assessment tools, resources for families, professional development and more. Learn More