Welcome to the Fourth Annual Barnstable Brown Diabetes Center Virtual, On-Demand Symposium “Diabetes in Kentucky: At the Heart of the Matter”. Our team at Barnstable Brown Diabetes Center (BBDC) takes our work seriously as leaders in comprehensive diabetes care and education services, program delivery to prevent or delay type 2 diabetes, and in national research initiatives. During this symposium, you will have the opportunity to hear from some of our BBDC team of professionals as well as learn from expert colleagues across the University of Kentucky enterprise. Sessions include diabetes and cardiovascular population health, prevention, treatment, and education across the lifespan. Case-based presentations from providers and interdisciplinary team members will discuss heart health relative to diabetes across the lifespan. And finally, a session on extending the reach through telehealth-based care and education. Thank you for your commitment to diabetes care and education. We are all in this together.
- Laura Hieronymus
Associate Director, Education & Quality Services
UK HealthCare Barnstable Brown Diabetes Center
Symposium Course Director