
The Kentucky Overdose Prevention Education Network (KY-OPEN) is a weekly web-conference bringing together opioid use disorder (OUD) clinical experts and community participants as part of the HEALing Communities Study (HCS). Combining in-depth presentations on evidence-based approaches to OUD treatment with interactive case-based discussion, KY-OPEN aims to address critical educational needs and technical assistance gaps for HCS’s community partners.

We also encourage you to sign up for our weekly newsletter that features Q&As with clinical experts, community spotlights, KY-OPEN session reminders, and links to resources and events throughout the Commonwealth. To sign up for our newsletter and to find information on how to participate in and save the live KY-OPEN session dates to your calendar, visit: http://kyopen.uky.edu.

If you have questions about KY-OPEN or the HEALing Communities study, please reach out to us via email at HCSEducation@uky.edu