UK HealthCare Advanced Clinical Skills Training Academy
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Dr. Hassan introduces the simulation center.


The artisan era of medicine is over, giving way to a new era which is identified by highly technical and well orchestrated teamwork. Procedures and care that were historically performed individually are now are known to be best and most safely performed using teamwork. Deep line placement is a good example. In the past this procedure was often performed by a lone skilled provider, guided only by anatomic landmarks. Now this procedure is most safely performed following a team time out and utilizes ultrasound image guidance. New standard medical work and standard medical teamwork is being developed daily. Practitioners and clinicians must be able to learn and practice procedures and teamwork in an environment that is safe yet realistic.

Medical simulation offers clinicians the opportunity to learn and practice new skills in a manner that protects patient safety while providing a very realistic experience for the learner. Perhaps most importantly, medical simulation offers groups of medical professionals the opportunity to learn and practice clinical teamwork. Although mechanical skills are often the focus, the teamwork practice in a simulation setting also includes effective communication amongst team members. This skill is especially vital during critical moments of patients’ lives when the team must provide flawless execution.

UKHealthCare leadership places the highest value on medical services that are rendered in a safe, high quality, efficient and satisfying manner for both patients and providers. The simulation center is a resource provided for clinicians of all professions who strive for excellence in patient care.