Dr. Bada earned an MD at the University of Santo Tomas, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, in Manila, Philippines. She completed residency in Pediatrics and fellowship in Neonatology at the University of Louisville Hospital in Louisville, Kentucky. She has an MPH from the University of South Florida.
Dr. Bada has been involved in clinical and basic science research as a faculty at Southern Illinois University, University of Tennessee, and at the University of Kentucky. Her areas of research include newborn brain disorders, physiological measurements, perinatal addiction, and developmental follow-up.
She served as the University of Tennessee Principal Investigator of the NIH funded project, the Maternal Lifestyle Study (MLS), in collaboration with other Principal Investigators from the University of Miami, Wayne State University, and Brown University. The MLS is a longitudinal follow-up of children exposed to cocaine and or opiates in utero through sixteen years of age. She is currently funded by NIDA to carry out a randomized trial on the treatment of NAS.
She has multiple invited lectureships and publications. Recent journal articles cover findings on follow-up of children and adolescents with prenatal drug exposures and the treatment of newborns with neonatal abstinence syndrome.
- Mary Florence Jones Professor, Pediatrics Vice Chair, Academic Affairs and Research
University of Kentucky College of Medicine
Lexington, Kentucky
Director, Maternal and Child Health
Kentucky Department for Public Health
Cabinet for Health and Family Services
Frankfort, Kentucky