Dr. Baum, originally from Oregon, received her Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy. She completed her PGY1 pharmacy practice residency at the University of Kentucky and is currently a PGY2 in Emergency Medicine. In addition to her clinical responsibilities, she is a member of the College of Pharmacy Admissions Committee and Resident Advisory Committee and serves as co-chair for the Resident Scheduling and member of the Recruitment Committees. She completed the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Certificate Program last year and continues to be engaged in activities at the college, including precepting fourth-year pharmacy students on rotation, facilitating patient care labs, and giving didactic lectures within the curriculum. Dr. Baum’s research is focused on correlation between end title CO2 and serum lactate in early identification of septic patients presenting to the emergency department and also takes call for several other prospective trials including ALIAS, POINT and ProTECT. Upon completion of her residency, she hopes to obtain a position at an academic medical center that integrates clinical responsibilities and academia.
- Associate Professor
Emergency Medicine Clinical Pharmacist
UK Healthcare
Lexington, Kentucky