Amy Lynn Meadows is a triple-boarded pediatrician, psychiatrist, and child and adolescent psychiatrist at the University of Kentucky where she is the Dr. Laurie L. Humphries Endowed Chair in Child Psychiatry and Child Psychiatry Division Director. She received her combined MD and Master’s degrees from Yale University School of Medicine where she completed a Doris Duke Clinical Research Fellowship, and then went on to residency training at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, including Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh and Western Psychiatric Hospital. Since joining the faculty of the University of Kentucky, she has won numerous teaching and mentorship awards, including the Abraham Flexner Award for excellence in medical education and the “Teacher Who Made a Difference” award. She works on the Pediatric Psychiatry Consultation-Liaison Service at Kentucky Children’s Hospital. Her research examines how adverse childhood experiences shape risk perception and the development of high-risk behaviors in adolescence and emerging adulthood.
- Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and Psychiatry
University of Kentucky College of Medicine
Lexington, Kentucky