Michelle earned a BSN from Kentucky State University in Frankfort, Kentucky.
She serves as the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) Inspector trainer for the Division of Health Care where she develops, implements, and evaluates the training program for division staff and the provider community. Michelle participates in quality improvement and assurance program to ensure effective completion of reporting, tracking, and quality review needs of all licensed/certified facilities and provides daily technical assistance, administrative and training to division staff and nursing home providers regarding federal/state regulations. She conducts surveys for relicensure and recertification of long term care facilities in the state.
Michelle serves as the backup Minimum Data Set (MDS), OASIS, and Independent Informal Dispute Resolution and Informal Dispute Resolution Coordinator and ensures that trainings are KBN approved per the regulations, processes the KBN provider renewal information, and serves as the KBN approved provider for continuing education for the Division.
Michelle serves as the CMP Fund Grant Manager by processing and assisting applicants with writing CMS CMP fund grant proposals and monitors the budgets, quarterly reports, and all aspects of the CMS CMP grant fund contracts. She serves as the State CMS Training Coordinator.
- NCI Trainer
Commonwealth of Kentucky, Office of Inspector General, Division of Health Care
Training & Quality Assurance Branch
Frankfort, Kentucky