Tyler B. Evans, MD, MS, MPH, AAHIVS, DTM&H, FIDSA currently serves as the CEO and co-founder for Wellness Equity Alliance, a national group of population and public health experts committed to transforming public health care delivery to historically marginalized communities. During the COVID-19 response, Dr. Evans held a number of positions, including the 1st chief medical officer (CMO) for NYC overseeing all COVID-19 operations in 2020, the chief executive and medical officer (CEO/CMO) for Curative Medical Associates, administering >2 million doses in 10 states with a focus on health equity, as well as the deputy public health officer, chief of the COVID-19 vaccination branch at Marin County Health and Human Services Agency, and one of the operational leads for the COVID-19 vaccination rollout with the Association of Bay Area Health Officers (ABAHO). He has held other leadership positions focusing on homelessness, substance abuse and migrant health, as well as leading infectious disease divisions in a number of organizations across the US. With training in tropical medicine/infectious disease, internal medicine, public health/preventive medicine, and epidemiology, he has worked extensively with historically marginalized populations both in the US and abroad, including a number of international missions with Doctors without Borders, where he worked on pandemic responses (e.g. ebola, HIV), in addition to complex humanitarian emergencies. In terms of populations, his career has focused on health equity – primarily working with migrants, the LGBTQIA+, the homeless, and indigenous communities. He serves on several boards (eg HIVMA) and holds two faculty appointments at USC and UCSF. He lives in the Santa Cruz Mountains, CA with his wife and two babies.
- Chief Executive Officer & Co-Founder
Wellness and Equity Alliance
Scotts Valley, California