Dr. Norton is responsible for the management of the College of Medicine’s educational activities beyond the Lexington campus, spanning the continuum of education from health career pipeline efforts to continuing medical education. In this role, Norton also oversees the Rural Physician Leadership Program's regional clinical education sites in Morehead and Murray, providing general supervision, strategic planning guidance and public advocacy.
He also serves as director of UK HealthCare CECentral – the administrative unit responsible for managing continuing education for physicians and pharmacists within and outside of UK.
Dr. Norton is past President of the Kentucky Rural Health Association and served as the Chair of the Research and Education Constituency Group of the NRHA. He has served as the AAMC Group on Educational Affairs (GEA) Liaison to the Group on Resident Affairs (GRA) and was the Chair of the GME Section of the GEA. He currently serves on the HRSA Advisory Committee for Inter-professional Community-based Linkages and is the Southern Region Representative to the Board of SACME.
He is a graduate in psychology from the University of San Francisco and completed post-graduate studies at the University of Arizona. He then completed post-doctoral training in clinical neuropsychology at the University of Wisconsin.
- Director, UK Center for Interprofessional Health Education
Professor, Psychiatry and Neurology
University of Kentucky College of Medicine
Lexington, Kentucky